
Possession of substances on premises policy template

In response to requests from members, NADA has developed a policy to provide guidance and support in responding to the possession of substances on premises. NADA appreciates that this is a challenging area of practice for organisations and the contents of this policy will vary depending on your service setting, philosophy and treatment approach. The policy template provides guidance in developing a policy that is appropriate to your organisation.
Click here to download the possession of substances on premises policy template [DOCX].
Supporting documents
Click here for an example record of confiscated substance form [DOCX].
Click here for a substance use in treatment agreement template [DOCX].
Please see the NADA policy toolkit. The toolkit contains these files and a range of other new and reviewed policy templates.

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Media enquiries

The Network of Alcohol and other Drugs Agencies (NADA) is the peak organisation for non-government alcohol and other drug services in NSW.

Advocacy is one of our primary roles. To see our policy and advocacy updates, click here.

We provide expert commentary on alcohol and other drug issues, policy and research. We also speak to the needs of our membership in delivering effective and evidence based services to the communities they serve.

For media enquiries, please contact:
Robert Stirling
Dr Robert Stirling
Chief Executive Officer
Send an email
Phone 0421 647 099