Make a complaint


NADA will deal with complaints in a manner to ensure access, equity, timeliness and accountability. All feedback is valued and is considered integral to help improve the quality of our services.

Complaints management process

  1. Written acknowledgement of your complaint within five working days of the complaint being received.
  2. If investigation is required, NADA will advise of the person who will be handling the matter and the estimated time frames for handling.
  3. Investigation process undertaken by NADA.
  4. Final response / resolution to be finalised and communicated to complainant within 20 working days
  5. Follow up by a nominated NADA representative to be carried out within 14 days after the formal resolution has been sent to the complainant.
  6. Review and consideration of systemic issues to take place at completion of resolution and assessment findings to be recorded in complaint register and in NADA Board minutes.

Depending on the nature of your complaint, you may wish to raise your complaint with an external body.

  • Contact the NSW Ombudsman on 02 9286 1000.
  • Contact the Australian Government Office of the Privacy Commissioner for complaints relating to the Privacy Act 1988.

To lodge a complaint, please complete theĀ feedback and complaints form and send us an email.