Our Networks

NADA consumer advisory group

NADA is committed to the active and meaningful involvement of consumer representatives to inform our activities. We know the value of the consumer voice, so we support and promote consumer representation and engagement within NADA member organisations. We recognise the need for leadership and direction from the NADA Consumer Advisory Group.

The Consumer Advisory Group supports NADA through the provision of advice based on the lived experience and expertise of members. They inform NADA activities, including policy, project and resource development, strategic planning, advocacy, and governance.

Activities and functions

The Consumer Advisory Group:

  • advises NADA staff of innovative consumer engagement programs and initiatives which are relevant to NADA and its operations, the NADA membership, and other stakeholders. This includes support the work of the NADA Advocacy Sub Committee and NADA’s communication strategy
  • consults on NADA’s resources and projects, for example, by taking part in work for the Advocate
  • acts as a forum for NADA members to explore how consumer participation can support effective engagement.

The Consumer Advisory Group’s term of reference can be viewed here.

Expressions of interest are now open to join the NADA Consumer Advisory Group!

Download the expression of interest form here [PDF]. Applications close 1 December 2023.

If you would like more information about NADA’s Consumer Advisory Group and would like to be involved, please contact Jennifer Uzabeaga.

Join us!

Do you or have you used drugs and alcohol? Have you accessed any alcohol and other drug services in NSW? Would you like to make a difference?

Join the NADA Consumer Advisory Group! Download the expression of interest form here [PDF]. Email Jennifer Uzabeaga to learn more or submit your application.

Applications close 1 December 2023.