
Policy toolkit

Developed by NADA, this toolkit supports policy development work in  organisations. It aims to contribute to the formal quality improvement program of non government AOD bodies. You can download the files to create or review operational policy documents.  
NADA is presently reviewing some of the documents in this toolkit to ensure they are in line with legislation and practice requirements. Check out the ‘What’s New’ section on this page to see when new and updated policies are uploaded as a result of this review process.  
If you would like to give feedback on NADA’s policy toolkit, or be part of the team of AOD workers that develop this toolkit, please contact us.

View policy templates and supporting documents

What’s new

May 2024

– A new Disaster and Emergency Management Policy template has been uploaded to the Toolkit. You can find it under ‘Governance and Leadership’.
-The Work, Health Safety policy, procedure and supporting documents have been revised, and uploaded to the Toolkit. Find them under ‘Governance and leadership’.
-The Organisational Development policy, procedure and supporting documents have been revised and uploaded to the Toolkit. Find them under ‘Governance and leadership’.

January 2024
The Project Management Policy and supporting documents have been updated, and are now available to be downloaded. 

31 May 2022
A Consumer Engagement policy is now available. Visit the consumer engagement section to download the policy and supporting document.
29 July 2021
NADA has begun to review and update the toolkit to ensure it is in line with legislation and best practice. If you would like to be part of the policy working group that updates the toolkit, please contact  Hannah Gillard. 

9 April 2020
A privacy and confidentiality agreement for working from home is now available. Visit the human resources section to download the supporting document.

31 March 2020
A template letter for managers to provide to their staff as evidence of their essential worker status is now available. Visit the human resources section to download the supporting document.

17 January 2020
The NADA Practice and Leadership Group (NPLG) has developed a suite of position descriptions for roles specific to the AOD sector, including Aboriginal AOD worker, AOD outreach work, and Youth AOD worker. Visit the human resources section to download the new templates. 

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