

The Network of Alcohol and other Drugs Agencies (NADA) is the peak organisation for non-government alcohol and other drugs services in NSW. We lead, strengthen and advocate for the sector. Our decisions and actions are informed by our members’ experiences, knowledge, and concerns.

We represent approximately 85 organisational members that provide services in over 100 locations across NSW. Our members are diverse in their structure, philosophy, and approach to service delivery. They provide a broad range of alcohol and other drugs services, including health promotion and harm reduction, early intervention, treatment and continuing care programs.

We provide a range of programs and services that focus on sector and workforce development, data management, governance and management support, research and evaluation, sector representation and advocacy, and actively contributing to public health policy.

Together, we improve the health and well-being of people with living and lived experience of alcohol or other drug use across the NSW community. NADA has award-level accreditation under the Australian Services Excellence Standards (ASES), a quality framework certified by Quality Innovation and Performance (QIP).

Meet our staff.     Meet our board.

View our corporate documents to learn more about us or watch the video below, with former CEO, Larry Pierce.

About the NSW non government alcohol and other drug sector

NSW has a diverse, strong and effective non government alcohol and other drugs sector which has been providing services to individuals, families and communities for more than 40 years. The sector has been critical in responding to the health and welfare needs of those affected by alcohol and other drugs, particularly those experiencing marginalisation and complex social issues.

Over 50 drug and alcohol specialist services operate across NSW. A similar number provide alcohol and other drug service delivery as part of a broader health and/or social welfare service. Geographic distribution of non government alcohol and other drugs specialist organisations in NSW is similar to that of all treatment organisations in Australia and all treatment organisations in NSW[1], according to remoteness classification [2].

Snapshot of the NSW non-government AOD sector [PDF]
The NSW non-government alcohol and other drug sector plays a significant role in responding to the needs of people who use AOD, yet our contribution is not well understood. This factsheet provides an outline of AOD treatment in NSW and highlights the work of non-government services.

Sector mapping report [PDF]
NADA commissioned this report which includes an organisational profile of specialist services, taxonomy, workforce profile and key issues impacting on the sector.

[1] Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2013. Alcohol and other drug treatment services in Australia 211-12. Drug treatment series 21. Cat. no. HSE139. Canberra: AIHW.

[2] Australian Standard Geographical Classification – Remoteness Areas (ASGC-RA)