Our Networks

NADA practice leadership group

Vision statement

Connecting clinical practice leaders in the NSW non-government alcohol and other drug sector for the purpose of increasing the capacity of service providers to deliver person-centred, culturally inclusive, and evidence based practices, to improve the wellbeing of people accessing services.

The NPLG was established in July 2015 and is now made up of 11 members representing a variety of specialist non-government AOD treatment services. All members are clinical practitioners and are considered leaders in the sector as evidenced by their professional backgrounds, accreditation status and clinical experience.

The group meet four times a year and meetings are open to other members/organisations by invitation.

The overall aim of the NPLG is to inform the development of NADA policy and advocacy, and sector program development in relation to sector clinical and therapeutic practices. It aims to provide a mechanism to consult with experienced, committed and skilled practitioners to advise NADA and other key stakeholders.

The NPLG terms of reference can be viewed here [PDF].

For more information about the network, please email Majella.

Ask the NPLG for advice

Help your service delivery person-centred, trauma informed and evidence based practices to improve the wellbeing of people accessing your service, and their networks of support. Learn about each member, their area of expertise and their interest. Contact us to ask for support.


Michele Campbell
Carolyn Stubley
Lauren Mullaney
Dr Peter Kelly
Dylan Clay
Belinda Volkov
Simone Angus-Carr
Dr Suzie Hudson
Teguh Syahbahar
Cathy Sheridan
Mel Bonham
Aaron More
Frances Pidcock
Mel Stott
Melinda Bonham

Learn about each member.

Contact: NPLG@nada.org.au