Our Networks

Research network

Network update

Tell us about your research
CMHDARN want to read, promote findings, and support participation of new research happening in the community mental health and AOD sectors. We can broadcast your research in our Research showcase [PDF] bibliography, as well as promote through our newsletter and Facebook page. Please email your research to the CMHDARN Coordinator.

Receive ethics guidance through CMHDARN
We seek to encourage researchers to participate in a peer-review process focusing on ethical issues in order
to promote ethical conduct in practice based research in mental health and AOD sectors. This process helps
to improve the quality of research related to these sectors, which, in turn, makes the research more useful
for our members.

The CMHDARN Research Ethics Consultation
Committee (RECC) provides ethical guidance to researchers and research participants. They provide ongoing consultation and guidance in matters of ethics regarding human research enquiries within the mental health and AOD sectors. Learn how the RECC can support you.

Become a CMHDARN member today! It’s the easiest way to receive updates on CMHDARN activities, and it’s free to join.


About the network

The CMHDARN is a partnership project between NADA, the Mental Health Coordinating Council (MHCC) and the NSW Mental Health Commission.
CMHDARN was established in 2010 to broaden involvement of the community mental health and alcohol and other drugs sectors in practice-led research and to promote the value of research and the use of research evidence in practice.

Its overall aim is to:

  • improve the quality of service delivery and correspondingly, the outcomes for consumers of community managed services
  • promote increased understanding and awareness of co-existing mental health and alcohol and other drugs issues.

CMHDARN facilitates the development of a culture of research by providing opportunities and context for the exchange of ideas, the sharing of resources, support and collaboration among community organisations and between community organisations and research bodies, including universities and research institutes. Communities of practice help foster continuous learning, shape critical thinking and enable innovative practices and approaches.

In order to build the research capacity of the mental health and alcohol and other drugs sectors, the network shares information and engages with members via its website, workshops, forums, reflective practice webinars/webcasts, and other activities.

Visit www.cmhdaresearchnetwork.com.au and become a CMHDARN member today. It’s the easiest way to receive updates on CMHDARN activities and it’s free to join.