
Apply now: National Justice Reinvestment Program – Round 2

The National Justice Reinvestment Program aims to reduce contact with the criminal justice system and incarceration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults and young people through support for place-based and community-led justice reinvestment initiatives across Australia. Learn more. Closing date: 10 September 2024 

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Expression of interest: Diploma of Leadership and Management

Applications have closed and all places allocated. NADA have partnered with the Centre for Community Welfare Training (CCWT) to deliver the nationally recognised Diploma of Leadership and Management (BSB50420) to NADA members in team leader and manager roles. CCWT training is delivered by experienced community sector trainers with course material

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NGO service development grants–Round 2

Applications are now open! The Network of Alcohol and Other Drugs Agencies (NADA) invites current financial members of NADA and/or non-government organisations that receive government funding (NSW or Commonwealth) to provide alcohol and other drugs (AOD) prevention, harm reduction and/or treatment services in NSW to apply for funding under the

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Expression of interest: AOD skill set training 

Are you new to the AOD sector and/or haven’t had the opportunity to complete specific recognised training to support your role? NADA is pleased to announce that funded places are available in the Alcohol and Other Drugs Skill Set (CHCSS00093). Download course information [PDF] This skill set is considered foundational

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CMHDARN innovation and evaluation grant

Applications now open until November 10 Would you like to demonstrate the impact of your service or program in the mental health and alcohol and other drugs sectors? Do you have innovative concepts that could lead to better outcomes for mental health and AOD service users? Demonstrate leadership and break

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NADA Innovate RAP 2023-2025

As the peak body for non-government AOD services in NSW, NADA is committed to reconciliation. Our Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) for 2023-2025 outlines the practical actions that we will take to help build strong relationships between people within and outside First Nations communities. RAPs set out timelines and deliverables

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Media enquiries

The Network of Alcohol and other Drugs Agencies (NADA) is the peak organisation for non-government alcohol and other drug services in NSW.

Advocacy is one of our primary roles. To see our policy and advocacy updates, click here.

We provide expert commentary on alcohol and other drug issues, policy and research. We also speak to the needs of our membership in delivering effective and evidence based services to the communities they serve.

For media enquiries, please contact:
Robert Stirling
Dr Robert Stirling
Chief Executive Officer
Send an email
Phone 0421 647 099