Become a member and receive excellence in advocacy and representation in the NSW non-government AOD sector. Be informed, and consulted, about policy changes at the state and Australian government levels. We strengthen our members so they become sustainable, appropriately resourced and able to deliver quality services to those impacted by AOD.
Other benefits include:
- access to NADAbase
- free training: online learning, events
- the opportunity to apply for training grants and subsidies
- resources
- Sector watch update
- Member eUpdate
- Advocate.
Who can become a NADA member?
NADA membership is open to non-government, not-for-profit organisations and services who have a primary mission or purpose to reduce the alcohol and drug related harm to individual, families and the community.
Membership is also open to non-government, not-for-profit organisations and services whose primary mission or purpose is other than to reduce the alcohol and drug related harm to individuals, families and the community, but whose broader mission or purpose includes the reduction of alcohol and drug related harm to individuals, families and the community.
To become a NADA member, organisations must be formed or incorporated within the state of New South Wales or the Australian Capital Territory, be a not-for-profit non-government organisation, provide evidence based AOD services, and have a formal QI program in place and/or be accredited under an acceptable QI provider.
For more information, and to apply for membership, download the:
NADA membership form [DOCX] to enter text on the computer with Word
NADA membership form [PDF] to print and fill out by pen.
Once NADA has received your application, it will be reviewed at the next scheduled Board of Directors meeting. A NADA staff member will then contact you to discuss membership and provide you with further information about NADA and our services.
To learn more about NADA membership, or to request a membership information pack, please email Maricar Navarro or phone 8113 1305.