Speaker assistance
Congratulations! Your abstract submission has been selected to be part of the NADA Conference 2023 program.
To ensure consistency across presentations, please find the relevant guidelines and tips below to developing and delivering a great presentation.
Always think of what you would like to see and hear in a presentation—visual or verbal. If in doubt, ask a family member, friend, or colleague to go through your presentation to ensure you get your message across.
Poster presentation
Poster presentations are an opportunity for you to present your work, yet the output is graphical/texual, not oral. It is not a poster to advertise or market your service, but demonstrates the nature of your work, much like a conference presentation. The final poster will mostly rely on diagrams, charts and images rather than text.
In addition to printing a physical copy of your poster for display at the conference, you will also need to provide a digital copy of your poster in PDF format for display on the virtual conference portal.
Guidelines for poster presentation
• Portrait orientation only
• A0 size (841 mm x 1189 mm)
• Recommended font sizes:
– Title: 72 pt
– Headings: 48-60 pt
– Body text: 24-48 pt
Required content
• Abstract title must be shown on the poster. This could be used as a sub-title with a briefer main title
• Details of author/s and how to get in touch
– Author’s name/s
– Author’s organisation/s
– Organisation’s logo/s
– Contact details
– Poster publication date
• Provide a plastic sleeve with A4 copies of your poster or more information for delegates to take and consider your work post-conference
All enquiries should be sent to the conference team.
Oral presentation
There are several types of oral presentations at the NADA 2023 Conference:
Lightning round: 8 minutes long, lighting round presentations provide authors the opportunity to share their work in brief oral presentations.
Oral presentation: 15 minutes long, oral presentations provide authors the opportunity to present original work related to conference topics.
Workshop: 30 minutes long, workshops provide authors the opportunity to present their work in a highly interactive manner that maximises audience participation. Workshops should have at least 25% of the total time allocated to group interaction. Workshops should facilitate and engage discussion with the participants.
Symposium: 40 minutes long, symposium presentations provide an opportunity to present on one topic, from multiple standpoints. Symposia presentations comprise three related presentations and an opportunity for discussion. Presentations should be max 30 minutes in total for your prepared content and 10 minutes for discussion.
All Q&As will take place as a panel after all presentations have finished.
Guidelines for oral presentations
Presentation dimensions
• Powerpoint slides need to be in a widescreen 16:9 size ratio
• Recommended font sizes:
– Title text: 45-55 pt; no smaller than 36 pt
– Body text: at least 26 pt
– Recommended font: Sans serifs like Arial, Helvetica, or Calibri—decorative but legible font is only recommended for slide headers, if they are easy to read.
– Put dark text on a light background. Avoid placing light text on white background, or dark text on dark background.
Required content
• First slide must include:
– Title of your presentation (as in your abstract submission)
– Presenter’s name/s
– Organisation/s
• Acknowledgement to country slide—the International Convention Centre (ICC) Sydney is on Gadigal Land, Eora Nation
• Concluding slide must include:
– Key messages
– Contact details
• If using audio or video, ensure that you load the file itself in the presentation and test this out at the Speaker Presentation Centre.
All enquiries should be sent to the conference team.
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