It’s been over 10 years since there has been a national survey of the AOD workforce, in which AOD workers voiced their views, experiences and perspective on working in the AOD sector in Australia.
Evidence based policy, practices, programs and funding require good quality workforce data and information.
The 2019 National AOD Workforce Survey is an opportunity for AOD workers to share your views.
The survey is being conducted by the National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA), Flinders University.
The results of the survey will help inform and influence workforce development priorities and initiatives in your sector and organisations.
All workers in the AOD sector are invited to participate, including those in client service, management, project, administration and other roles.
Tell us what you do, how you experience your work, how this affects your job satisfaction and wellbeing, and what your professional developments needs are.
This national survey will provide consistent information and insights for the AOD sector Australia-wide. It compliments various workforce surveys that are conducted independently in each State/Territory.
NCETA invites you to participate in the anonymous online survey, which will take about 15-20 minutes to complete. The survey is open until 31st October 2019.
To complete the survey click here
For additional information about the survey contact the Project Manager Dr Natalie Skinner or go to the NCETA website.
All participants who complete the survey will go into a draw to win an iPad mini.
Please feel free to forward this information and encourage your colleagues and work mates to participate.
The AOD national workforce survey is funded by the Australian Government Department of Health.
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