Save the date for the 2023 NADA Annual General Meeting. The AGM will be held on Monday, 20 November 2023, from 10.30-11.30am. It will be an online event, and further details of the AGM and registrations will be circulated soon.
Nominations for the election of Directors
NADA is governed by a board of directors comprising up to nine member-based positions, elected by the membership, and two independent board members that the board can elect.
In accordance with its constitution, NADA is calling for nominations for the election of one (1) Director at the 2023 AGM from the membership. Only Ordinary Members are eligible to nominate for the NADA board.
The NADA board of directors encourage members interested in being part of the NADA board to apply. Members with demonstrated knowledge, experience and expertise in governance are encouraged to apply.
Please download the 2023 NADA Board nomination form here. Candidates must be from current financial and ordinary member organisations and submit a NADA Board nomination form.
Nomination forms are to be emailed to by 5pm Friday, 13 October 2023. Please note that nomination responses will be circulated to the NADA membership following the closing date.
Please get in touch with NADA Chair, Leone Crayden or NADA CEO Robert Stirling if you have any queries.