
AOD Workforce Study : NGO Insights 2021


This is for you, your colleagues, and those you support. You and your organisation are invited to participate in the AOD Workforce Study : NGO Insights 2021.

More than ever, alcohol and other drug services – and their workers – are under increasing pressure to deliver more and adapt. NADA and VAADA have commissioned Curtin University to undertake a purposefully designed study to understand and enhance the AOD sector capacity to attract, develop, engage and retain the workers that make the difference. Indeed, a suitably qualified and capable workforce is key to successfully meet the needs of clients, their families and significant others, and the broader community in NSW and VIC. Please participate.

Participate and win
Complete the survey and enter a lucky draw to win one of three gift cards of the value $300, $100, and $50.

Participate and learn
Learn about yourself, your health, and your work via your Personal Analytics Report. Upon completion of the survey you are immediately presented your own personal analytics report with insights and suggestions on your job satisfaction, work autonomy, professional development, and more.

Participate and help
Support AOD sector people and services. Your confidential survey responses will be analysed into actionable insights that inform policy and practice so services can realise more positive change and reduce the harms related to alcohol and other drugs use across Australia. Findings will be shared in a public report later this year.
The survey is open until 30th September 2021. It now needs you.





Learn more about the study >

Frequently asked questions

Researchers: Who is behind this?
The AOD Workforce Study: NGO Insights 2021 is led by Dr Ramon Wenzel, School of Management and Marketing, Curtin University. This study is funded by and realised in partnership with The Network of Alcohol and other Drugs Agencies (NADA) and The Victorian Alcohol and Drug Association (VAADA); the peak organisations for the nongovernment alcohol and other drugs sector (AOD) in NSW and VIC. This study is also supported by the Australian Government Department of Health and the Victorian Department of Health.

Ethical approval: Is this legitimate and voluntary?
Yes and yes. Approval to conduct this research has been provided by Curtin University, in accordance with its ethics review and approval procedures (HRE2021-0222). Whilst everyone in the AOD sector is encouraged to have their say, participation is voluntary and entirely optional. Only anonymous and aggregate findings will be publicly shared. No other data or responses collected through this research will be made available to any partner or funding organisation.

The survey: What to expect?
The online survey will prompt you with several questions and statements relating to your work experience including learning, engagement, well-being, autonomy, and leadership. Most people require about 25 minutes to complete the survey. That is about the length of a lunch break or coffee chat. It is really important to fully complete the survey until the end. You may pause and resume later. Please reach out should you have any questions.

Want to discuss with your boss, board or buddy?
Download PDF with survey information and FAQ

Ramon Wenzel | Curtin University | (08) 6266 3341

Sianne Hodge | NADA  | (02) 8113 1317

Jane Moreton | VAADA | (03) 9412 5608


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Media enquiries

The Network of Alcohol and other Drugs Agencies (NADA) is the peak organisation for non-government alcohol and other drug services in NSW.

Advocacy is one of our primary roles. To see our policy and advocacy updates, click here.

We provide expert commentary on alcohol and other drug issues, policy and research. We also speak to the needs of our membership in delivering effective and evidence based services to the communities they serve.

For media enquiries, please contact:
Robert Stirling
Dr Robert Stirling
Chief Executive Officer
Send an email
Phone 0421 647 099