The strong Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women are the focus of NAIDOC week 2018 and we would love to hear what you are doing to celebrate their contribution to Australian society and culture.
Here at NADA, we will be holding an ‘Aboriginal women in cinema’ movie session and celebrating the incredible contribution Aboriginal community controlled organisations have made to the AOD treatment sector.
We would also like to shine a light on the incredible contribution of Coral Henderson from the Glen—our inaugural recipient of the First Australians Award at the NADA Conference 2018. Coral, along with an incredible group of Aboriginal women from the Glen board, have set their sights on opening the first Aboriginal women’s AOD residential rehabilitation centre in NSW—which is gaining significant momentum. NADA are putting their support behind this important endeavour and are confident this much needed service will make a solid contribution to treatment choices for women.
Coral and some of the Glen board members will also be the subject of an upcoming podcast interview with Speakeasy with Carla Trelor and Annie Madden, so stay tuned!
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