What are experience and outcome measures telling us about the services we deliver?
In the community managed mental health and AOD sectors people’s experiences of services and outcome measures are important priorities for evaluation. In the context of dynamic funding environments, how knowledge is gathered from clients/consumers or carers and how measures are used to constructively to inform service delivery is of great interest.
MHCC and NADA members are invited to submit an application for an innovation and evaluation grant that explores cross-sectoral findings on three or more of the following topics:
- Experience, outputs or outcome measures—determining which ones will tell us what we need to know
- What tools best demonstrate client experiences regarding programs and services
- Evaluate how service experience and outcome measures minimise organisational and professional preconceptions
- Evaluate the way in which context and environment impacts the information gathered
- Evaluate the translation of findings from client experience and outcome measures into practice
- Evaluate how reflective practice is embedded into responses to peoples experience of service provision
Time frame: 1 year, commencing July/August 2019
Applicants must be able to demonstrate cross-sector collaboration and partnerships with other organisations and/or universities to undertake the project.
The successful applicant will be offered an academic mentor as well as support of the CMHDARN coordinator throughout the project. Grant payments will be paid against specific milestones.
Deadline for submissions: 22nd July 2019.
For more information please read the CMHDARN Innovation and Evaluation Grant 2019-2020 – Guidelines for Applicants and/or contact Jo at info@cmhdaresearchnetwork.com.au
To download the application form click here.
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