
Alcohol and other drug treatment access expansion grants now open

As part of the suite of health initiatives from the NSW Government Response to the Special Commission of Inquiry into the Drug Ice (Ice Inquiry), the Ministry of Health has released new grant opportunities for NGOs and Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations (ACCOs) to expand access to AOD services.


AOD post-custodial support grants
This grant opportunity is for service providers to deliver case management, counselling and support services to people released from custody who have a history of harmful AOD use or are at risk of AOD-related harm. At least $600,000 of the funding annually is being quarantined for services to be provided by ACCOs.


AOD treatment access expansion grants
This grant opportunity is to deliver AOD treatment services to improve the health, social and emotional wellbeing of priority populations. Priority populations include women, people with dependent children, Aboriginal people, people with cultural and linguistically diversity, people identifying as LGBTQI+, young people, people with co-occurring mental health issues and people involved in the criminal justice system. There are multiple grant packages across residential rehabilitation, day rehabilitation, case management, withdrawal management and counselling services.

Learn more and apply here:

Information is also being uploaded to the NSW Government Grantfinder website.

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The Network of Alcohol and other Drugs Agencies (NADA) is the peak organisation for non-government alcohol and other drug services in NSW.

Advocacy is one of our primary roles. To see our policy and advocacy updates, click here.

We provide expert commentary on alcohol and other drug issues, policy and research. We also speak to the needs of our membership in delivering effective and evidence based services to the communities they serve.

For media enquiries, please contact:
Robert Stirling
Dr Robert Stirling
Chief Executive Officer
Send an email
Phone 0421 647 099