Pride Foundation Australia has a new grant round to a total value of $50,000, focusing on reducing harm from AOD for LGBTIQA+ people in Australia.
This is in recognition that a disproportionate number of LGBTIQA+ people are affected by harmful AOD use and that there is a benefit in providing culturally inclusive health promotion, support and treatment.
Project applications should be to the value of $10,000 to $15,000 each. They encourage projects that are collaborations between AOD services and LGBTQIA+ agencies or groups, and co-designed with people with lived experience of AOD use.
Applicants must submit an expression of interest form online by 5pm Monday 6 March 2023. Applicants will be short listed and invited to submit a full application by Friday 14 April 2023. Projects will start no earlier than 1 June 2023.
[1] Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual and others
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