How the upcoming NSW Drug Summit can deliver better outcomes for individuals, families and the community

NADA supports bold and innovative reform to improve the health and wellbeing of people who use, or have used, drugs across the NSW community. We want to see individual and community outcomes at the centre of the reform agenda, and decisive action to address the current barriers to equitable health outcomes for people who use drugs.

  • Many current policies in NSW stigmatise and discriminate against people who use, or have used, drugs. This impacts on people’s ability to access health services, housing and employment.
  • Access to treatment services remains a significant challenge for many people, their families and loved ones, particularly in regional and rural areas where access to services and workforce shortages in the sector are acute.
  • Government funding of NGO services is short-term, limited and has not kept up with the cost to deliver services. A lack of clear policy direction has had a negative flow on effects for innovation, service planning and delivery, workforce and organisation sustainability – making it impossible for the NGO sector to meet the growing demand for services.

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