NADA is conducting a project to build the research and evaluation capacity of non-government organisations in the alcohol and other drugs sector in NSW.
NADA is actively recruiting NGO NADA member agencies who meet the following criteria:
- Individuals working in NGO AOD service in NSW and who are older than 18 years old.
What does participation in the project involve?
As a project participant, you will be invited to embed one or more research capacity building initiatives into your organisational practice. You will also be asked to participate in a NADA led evaluation of the project implementation.
Research capacity building initiatives could include:
- an e-learning module on how to do qualitative evaluation
- a Research Mentoring program with experienced researchers at the Matilda Centre (University of Sydney)
- hearing stories of research projects from other NGO AOD services
- links to other research projects, partners, and potential collaborators.
NADA is also documenting current research projects in the NGO AOD sector in NSW and research completed during the last 2 years.
We greatly appreciate you completing a very brief (2 questions) questionnaire where you can list any current, or former research projects, and indicate interest in receiving information on the Research Capacity Building Project. Inquiries can be directed to the Research Capacity Building Project Officer at NADA, Dr. Michelle Black at
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