
Adapting Practice: shifting therapeutic support online

Are you adapting your practice from face to face contact with clients to telephone or video support? Watch this recorded webinar, developed by the Mental Health Professionals Network, to increase your confidence. You will learn how to:

  • recognise client suitability for telehealth services
  • identify risks associated with telehealth services
  • outline procedures such as contingency plans, privacy, informed consent, staff training and record keeping for the telehealth setting.

More resources

A practical guide to adapting to online therapeutic support [PDF]
This comprehensive guide provides useful tips and practical advice about getting the most from a video or telephone counselling support session. It will help you to deliver your services as effectively as you would in-person. It covers topic areas such as:

  • preparing your client
  • setting up your space
  • adapting your therapeutic skills.

Telephone, digital and downloadable tools for remote AOD service delivery
Insight have curated a page filled with mobile apps, interactive websites and downloadable worksheets that can be used to enhance telephone or online-based AOD counselling and treatment.

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