
AOD 101

Brush up on your AOD basics with this foundational webinar series on the range of substances used by people in the community. Approached from a harm reduction perspective, each webinar will refresh your knowledge and/or give you new information about emerging drugs. Join expert trainer and key figure in the AOD education and research sector for an engaging and informative webinar series.

This series comprises four webinars designed to improve your knowledge of AOD use in Australia and harm reduction strategies, and increase your confidence in working with people in the community. It is strongly recommended that you watch all four recordings.

Introduction to AOD

Introduction to AOD explores an introduction to alcohol, tobacco and other drugs in NSW and Australia and including a brief overview of data and trends in relation to COVID-19.

Alcohol, cannabis, smoking and nitrous oxide

Alcohol, cannabis, smoking & nitrous oxide looks into an update on alcohol, cannabis, smoking/vaping and nitrous oxide (nangs) and harm reduction strategies.

Psychostimulants and ketamine

Psychostimulants and ketamine explores MDMA (ecstasy), methamphetamines (ice), cocaine and harm reduction strategies.

Opioids and benzodiazepines

Opioids and benzodiazepines, the final webinar in the AOD 101 series explores opioids, benzodiazepines and overdose prevention and harm reduction.



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