
Working with women engaged in alcohol and other drug treatment

working with women3rd edition (2021)
This resource supports the provision of best practice interventions for women accessing AOD treatment and to effect organisational change around becoming gender responsive, family inclusive and trauma informed.

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It provides structural solutions and practical guides to support workers and organisations to improve work practices with women accessing AOD treatment. Improving service provision to women means acknowledging their unique experiences and perspectives, enhancing the best practice approaches AOD treatment services already have in place and/or adopting philosophical perspectives that give a greater voice to the needs of women.

What’s in this resource?
This resource is designed to be a quick reference guide and is separated into eight sections that covers:

  • women in AOD treatment settings
  • creating an enabling environment for women in AOD treatment
  • improving access and retention for women from a diverse range of backgrounds
  • pregnancy and parenting in AOD treatment
  • developing and strengthening partnerships
  • organisational change and self-care.

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