
Providing alcohol and other drug treatment in a residential setting

Download Providing alcohol and other drug treatment in a residential settingWorkers who provide AOD treatment to people in residential settings need to have the most up-to-date and evidenced based practice approaches at their fingertips.

In this comprehensive resource, you will find research outlining the effectiveness of residential treatment. This resource covers a variety of different types of residential treatment for the range of people who seek support, for example, young people, women, Aboriginal, etc.

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It includes frontline worker experiences from organisations that provide specialist AOD services in residential settings; best practice approaches that you and your organisation can implement; and a range of resources for further reading.

This resource will support the work that you and your organisation engage in every day.

What’s inside?
Designed as a practice guide, it comprises sections on:

  • residential treatment principles of care
  • trauma informed care approaches
  • models of care and treatment approaches
  • inclusive practices for families, significant others and children
  • and much more.

NADA would like to acknowledge the thorough and extensive work conducted by the Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance Use at the University of Sydney, in the research and consultation conducted as part of the evidence check for this practice guide. The evidence and consultations with members and consumers that were conducted by the Matilda Centre provide the foundation for this practice guide. Best practice approaches for alcohol and other drug treatment in residential rehabilitation.

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