What We Do


NADAbase is a comprehensive system for client data collection and reporting, including outcomes data. NADA provides the database free to members for the National Minimum Data Set and NSW Minimum Data Set for Alcohol and Other Drug Treatment Services (N/MDS) and Client Outcomes Measures (COMs).

Who collects the data? All NADAbase data is collected by staff from our NGO member services. Our members use NADAbase data for recording client data, quality improvement, evaluation, research and much more.

What is the data used for? In addition to supporting our NGO members with their NADAbase data, NADA also submits NADAbase data to funding bodies on behalf of its members. NADA also uses data from NADAbase to conduct work in line our strategic priorities [PDF] to benefit our membership as a whole.

Interactive data

The below data visualisations show NADAbase data collected during the 2023-2024 AODTS N/MDS reporting cycle. In some cases, data from the 2021-22 and 2022-23 reporting cycles are included for comparison purposes.

NADAbase expansion project report

NADAbase underwent a series of improvements from 2017 and 2019 that enhanced data collection, client care planning, and overall reporting for member services using NADAbase. At the end of the project, an evaluation was conducted by researchers from the University of Wollongong to asses the NADAbase improvements and provide direction for future NADAbase work.

NADAbase expansion project report [PDF]


Data management plan

NADA considers effective data management a priority area and has sought to support NADA members to engage with ethical collection and reporting of data from clients and consumers. The NADA data management plan describes NADA’s datagovernance practices. The plan also covers the facilities and equipment NADA uses to ensure adherence to ethical practices and privacy for any data collected, used or stored by NADA.

NADA has implemented a range of policies and processes to provide members and clients with a secure, transparent and positive experience in their use of NADAbase. Learn more.

What's new

New outcomes dashboard
NADA built the dashboard to provide high-level insights into outcome measures to inform care, and aid in reporting to funders. NADAbase users will see this dashboard located within the Homepage screen in NADAbase, next to Data Quality tab. Take the 7-minute video tour.

NADAbase went serverless
Transitioning NADAbase to a serverless application model increases the efficiency and flexibility of NADAbase application to accommodate the volume of data and the number of improvement features introduced since 2010. We also engage with enhanced Firewall protection to reinforce security measures for the serverless NADAbase application. As per NADAbase user agreement, NADA has taken every step to ensure that NADA members are confident for their clients’ data to have the optimal protection against potential malware and virus hacks into NADAbase.

Validation checks
NADA has added validation checks that will improve the quality of data reported through NADAbase to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) and to funding bodies as per NADAbase User Agreement, and most importantly to ensure that members have the best quality data to inform care. We identified the most common and critical errors arising from our annual data submission from member services and built validation check rules for internal consistency. In addition, we applied a range of checks for client outcomes measures, including Severity of Substance Dependence (SDS), Keissler-10 (K10), WHO Quality of Life (WHO-BREF QoL) and Australian Treatment Outcomes Profile (ATOP), to ensure that the scores inputted are accurate.

Collecting additional, mandatory suburb and postcode data items for each episode of care
The NSW Ministry of Health, and the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) have advised NADA of two additional data items that will be made mandatory July 1st, 2024 in the National and NSW Minimum Data set for Alcohol and Other Drug Treatment Sector. NADA acknowledges that both these data items are sensitive and are committed to ensuring confidentially.

Postcode and suburb are two of the several geographic boundary determinants to extrapolate a person’s locality, for example, remoteness of the location (rural, regional or metropolitan).  Collecting this information will help the sector to better understand the geographical representation in the broader AOD sector.