This page will be continually updated. Last update: 10.1.22
For general advice, visit the NSW Health frequently asked questions (FAQs) page here.
In addition to our dedicated coronavirus news and resources for managers and leaders and frontline workers and their clients, NADA will maintain a collation of members’ FAQs.
To tailor the information to your needs, we have organised the FAQs into four sections:
- NADA programs and services
- Member programs and services
- Navigating workforce matters
- Navigating treatment and support matters
Remember, we’re here to support you. If there’s anything we can do, don’t hesitate to reach out by calling or emailing us. Key contacts are included in each section.
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NADA programs and services
Is NADA still operating?
The NADA office is currently open, with staff also working from home and available to you during business hours via our usual contact details.
Who do I contact for information and advice relating to NADA programs and services?
If you have any questions relating to NADA business and operations, please contact Robert, Michele or Maricar.
Robert Stirling, Chief Executive Officer
Available Monday to Friday
M: 0421 647 099
Michele Campbell, Clinical Director
Available Tuesday to Thursday
M: 0416 120 530
Maricar Navarro, Office Manager
Available Monday to Friday
M: 0401 409 317
Member programs and services
How is NADA contributing to the Ministry’s COVID-19 response governance structures
The NSW Ministry of Health has established a COVID-19 Clinical Council that will coordinate the activities of the 24 Communities of Practice (CoP) established beneath it. Robert Stirling, NADA CEO has been nominated as the lead for the NGO CoP. The NGO CoP provides an opportunity for sharing of ideas, strategies, local solutions and concerns with respect to COVID-19 pandemic preparedness. Representation on these structures means NADA is able to provide expert advice and guidance to the system based on your feedback, and to escalate matters that require a state-wide or system response. Dr Suzie Hudson, NADA Clinical Director, will be representing NADA on the AOD CoP that has recently been established.
Where are the most recent updates from the NSW Ministry of Health?
Please see COVID-19 news and resources for managers and leaders.
Here is where the Ministry is providing updates to NGOs:
Coronavirus (COVID-19) information for NSW Health funded NGOs
Guidance for AOD services about COVID-19
How can we get immediate support to respond to a COVID-19 issue?
If you require urgent advice regarding a COVID-19 infection, please contact 1300 066 055. They will direct you to your local Public Health Unit. If the matter is not urgent contact your contract manager and/or NADA.
Is AOD treatment considered an ‘essential service’?
We have received advice from the NSW Health that AOD treatment is an essential service. NADA has developed a template for your staff to continue to be able to undertake their work. Essential worker template letter [DOCX]
How do people find out what AOD services are currently available?
As you would be aware, Alcohol and Drug Information Service (ADIS) is a NSW state-wide 24/7 anonymous and confidential counselling service for people with AOD concerns, and also provides information to people looking for service availability in the sector. We encourage members to provide ADIS with the latest information about your service amidst COVID-19 by clicking this link, otherwise please call ADIS on 1800 250 015 to provide the information.
What information has NADA received regarding member funding continuity?
Both levels of government have assured NADA and its members that there will be no impact to funding should you need to adjust the way you deliver services, or cease them, due to the impact of COVID-19. As with the advice from your funders, please notify your contract managers of any major changes to your business operations and update ADIS here.
What government support will be made available to members?
We encourage members to keep up to date with the Federal Government’s economic response. View the full list of COVID-19 support measures on the ATO website. You can contact the ATO to request assistance on their Emergency Support Infoline 1800 806 218.
What additional measures do services need to take with regards to infection control?
Please see the Ministry of Health website for the most current information.
Where can members access essential supplies?
NADA has received the following information:
- The Ministry has released guidance for NGOs to request PPE
Guidance: Process for NSW Health funded non-government organisation providers to request personal protective equipment New! - St John Ambulance have a range of PPE available for delivery. Products available: surgical face masks, N95 masks, hand sanitiser, surface wipes (available mid-May), infrared thermometer – non-contact, medical eye goggles, clear protective glasses, full face shield and full coveralls. Call David Perkovic on 0439 771 850 or email
- Hand sanitiser is available from Ethical Merch Co with a reduced minimum order of 50 or 100 pieces for NADA members. They can also arrange delivery of safety masks, alcohol wipes and Infrared Forehead Thermometers if required. Email Nathan or phone 02 8814 7770. Thanks to ONE80TC.
- Level 2 surgical masks are available from Goodthings with a minimum order of 1000 units, delivered to one address. $3 + GST per mask with free shipping. Phone Tim on 407 006 628 or email Thanks to The Haymarket Foundation.
- Access to food and supplies
Bid Food is a distributor to a range of providers (Aged Care, Health, restaurants, schools). You can contact them for ongoing access to food and supplies. Bid Food website: Thanks to The Haymarket Foundation.
Who do I contact at NADA for information and advice relating to member programs and services?
Robert Stirling, Chief Executive Officer
Available Monday to Friday
M: 0421 647 099
Navigating workforce matters
Where do I find information on key workforce matters?
We know that many of you are concerned about the health and wellbeing of your workforce and the impact of COVID-19 on working from home, staff leave entitlements and other industrial relations matters. The best sources of information are:
- Fair Work website
- Safe Work Australia website
- NSW Government: Businesses and employment
- Justice Connect COVID-19 Response Briefing note [PDF]
- Member may also like to let staff know about support for individuals and households.
What level of symptoms does an employee need to be showing before they should stay at home? How long do they need to stay at home?
Isolation is strongly encouraged i.e. keeping the workforce at home even if they have only mild cold symptoms. ‘Sick’ should be defined as any sign of respiratory infection, including the common cold. Employees should remain at home until they feel completely better (no coughing, no sneezing), unless they are suspected to have COVID-19 or are confirmed to have COVID-19, in which case they should follow the guidance on the NSW Health COVID-19 website. Persons with suspected/confirmed COVID-19 should follow the advice on the self-isolation fact sheet.
What is NADA doing to support workforce training needs?
NADA has recorded a large suite of webinars that respond to member needs in response to COVID-19 and can be found here.
- tips for telephone, telehealth and video-conferencing counselling
- The ABCs of worker wellbeing
- remote care planning for vulnerable clients
- supporting staff who are working from home.
Visit the NADA events page for more information.
Who do I contact at NADA for information and advice on employee-related issues?
Robert Stirling, Chief Executive Officer
Available Monday to Friday
M: 0421 647 099
Michele Campbell, Clinical Director
Available Tuesday to Thursday
M: 0416 120 530
Who do I contact at NADA for information and advice relating to strategies to support worker wellbeing?
Michele Campbell, Clinical Director
Available Tuesday to Thursday
M: 0416 120 530
Navigating treatment and support matters
How should detox and residential rehabilitation services respond if a client is suspected of having or tests positive for coronavirus?
If someone at your service develops a fever, cough, sore throat or shortness of breath and meets the current epidemiological criteria of a suspected case, then call your GP or Healthdirect on 1800 022 222. If the person is seriously unwell and it is an emergency, call 000.
A person with confirmed infection should be isolated at home or in hospital and their contacts will be traced and put into quarantine. In the context of a residential service, the LHD will support you to isolate and treat the case, and then contacts should self-isolate as per usual instructions.
In the event of a confirmed COVID-19 case at your service you will need to make a clinical incident report, in addition to notifying the LHD.
Who do I contact at NADA for information and advice relating to treatment/client information and support?
Michele Campbell, Clinical Director
Available Tuesday to Thursday
M: 0416 120 530
Antonia Ravesi, Program Manager
Available Monday to Thursday
M: 0421 886 173
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