The ‘Alcohol and other drugs treatment guidelines for working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’ resource has been developed to support non-Aboriginal service providers in the AOD sector working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
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While we know that Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations are essential in the provision of specialist AOD treatment for Aboriginal people, it is important that non-Aboriginal service settings are safe and accessible for Aboriginal people who access these services.
The Guidelines are intended to support services to establish better relationships and linkages with Aboriginal organisations and in Aboriginal communities. The Guidelines also provide practical guides and resources to support workers and organisations to improve their service delivery when working with Aboriginal service users.
‘It’s been a really positive for us, and I think it’s given us a really good framework of where we need to step up and what we can be doing a little bit more … and what things will be looking like for us to move forward to be working in a safe place for our clients.’ Manager of a participating service
Auditing your organisation
An audit tool that compliments the Guidelines has been developed that supports implementing the Guidelines. The audit tool is designed to identify areas within organisation where change can be made to support their organisational practice with working with Aboriginal people. If a service chooses to have an audit conducted it is recommended that the audit takes place first. The audit tool can support a service through the process of implementing areas of the Guidelines.
It is advised that the audit process be conducted by an Aboriginal person, in order for the assessment to be comprehensive and that advice can be provided on ways to improve.
‘Having an organisation actually come in actually go, “this is where you’re doing well. These are the areas you can improve on,” I think that’s really very valuable.’ Manager of a participating service
This project has been evaluated by UNSW National Drug and Alcohol Research Council (NDARC). All services completed a pre and post audit and attended a Guideline workshop to measure if there was change. Twelve of the fifteen services who participated engaged in the project until completion.
Download the evaluation report [PDF], summary report [PDF] or the final report [PDF].
For further information regarding this resource please email Raechel Wallace at NADA or alternatively you can contact the Aboriginal Drug and Alcohol Network Leadership Group
This project was funded and supported by a consortium of six Primary Health Networks including CESPHN, SWSPHN, Wentwest, Coordinare, HNECCPHN and Western NSW PHN.
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