This project aimed to evaluate a joint initiative developed between NADA and the former, Drug and Alcohol Multicultural Education Centre (DAMEC), within NSW non-government AOD treatment services. This initiative aimed to optimise the experiences of culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) clients in mainstream AOD treatment services in NSW. An audit tool (a structured organisational tool that focuses on cultural inclusiveness in mainstream services) was implemented at four AOD sites. The dissemination of the audit tool to AOD treatment services was accompanied by training of CALD community representatives as auditors that focused on supporting organisations to conduct an audit and develop an action plan for improving areas of cultural inclusiveness.
The aim of the evaluation was to:
1) Assess how AOD services fare in terms of cultural inclusion
2) Describe the acceptability of the cultural inclusion audit process, from the perspectives of staff and auditors at the four pilot sites
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