CMHDARN presents: Highlights from the NGO Research Capacity Study
How much research capacity is there in NSW non-government AOD services? What are the barriers and enablers to undertaking research in non-government services? How can this knowledge support you to build your owns services research capacity?
The Research Capacity Study is a research partnership between the Network of Alcohol and other Drugs Agencies (NADA), the NSW Drug and Alcohol Clinical Research and Improvement Network (DACRIN) and the Centre for Alcohol and other Drugs, NSW Ministry of Health. It aimed to assess the capacity of NSW AOD services to conduct research. This webinar will highlight the findings from the study, including 140 workers from non-government AOD workers across NSW. The responses are focused at the capacity of individuals, teams and organisations and explore what AOD workers see as the barriers and enablers to undertaking research in NGO services. The results from this study provide a baseline measure of the research capacity within NSW AOD services. The data can be used to inform targeted responses to enhance research capacity, while in turn, improving the outcomes for those seeking treatment and support.