
Effective clinical supervision

Developed for frontline workers, team leaders, and people and culture managers, this webinar will show you how to get the most out of your clinical supervision. Effective clinical supervision contributes to the buoyancy of the sector, and reflects the diversity in the community and the AOD workforce.

Clinical supervision is a regular, confidential, and facilitated time to reflect on our work practices with someone external to our workplace. It is provided by organisations to reduce the impact of vicarious trauma, risk of burnout and maintain the clinical integrity and cultural safety of the organisation.

In its various forms, it provides a pause in the day-to-day of service provision to review the work you are doing with clients, explore different perspectives, and assess your own wellbeing. Clinical supervision should be a nurturing, supportive experience which promotes reflection and cultural safety.

Aboriginal cultural supervision is recommended for services working with Aboriginal communities and is to be provided to Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal workers, multicultural supervision should be available to workers working in diverse cultural communities, and peer work supervision, provided by experienced and trained peer workers is required for workers in identified peer worker roles.

With our panel of experienced AOD clinicians, this webinar will discuss and unpack the following:

What does effective clinical supervision look and feel like?
What do we mean by reflective practice?
Aboriginal cultural supervision
Multicultural supervision
Peer work supervision

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