
Factsheets: Effective clinical supervision

Clinical supervision is a foundation of considered, quality clinical practice. It provides accountability for the people who access our services, maintains organisational integrity, supports clinical practice, and provides a space for reflection and collaboration. It is a vital component of professional development for all client facing staff. This factsheet explains clinical supervision, First Nations cultural supervision, multicultural supervision, and peer work supervision.

Download clinical supervision factsheet [PDF]

Multicultural supervision is a specialised form of professional supervision that acknowledges and addresses the impact of culture on the supervisory relationship and process. It encompasses a range of theoretical frameworks, models, and interventions designed to promote effective communication and cultural understanding. Further, it provides a systemic approach for the consideration of language, cultural, migration, and resettlement needs across the supervisee and client care plan, as well as culturally relevant therapeutic techniques in cases where Western methodologies may not be desired or appropriate.
Download multicultural supervision factsheet [PDF]

This factsheet contains a list of clinical supervision resources.
Download clinical supervision resources factsheet [PDF]

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