
Non-government AOD performance indicator resources

From 1 July 2018, non-government organisations (NGOs) contracted by NSW Health to provide alcohol and other drug treatment services will have five core performance indicators included in contracts.

Organisations may already be reporting against these or similar indicators; standard wording and application will ensure consistency and a streamlined approach.

Resources have been developed to aid in understanding and meeting the performance indicator requirements.

Performance indicator frequently asked questions
NSW Health non-government AOD performance indicators—frequently asked questions for contracted NGOs​

Performance indicator specifications
Specifications describe the intent, required data format and reporting, inclusion and exclusion criteria, and related references for each performance indicator.
AOD-Core1 NSW minimum data set for drug and alcohol treatment services
AOD-Core2 organisation accreditation and clinical governance
AOD-Core3 client reported experience
AOD-Core4 clinical incident management
AOD-Core5 client discharge and transfer of care

Performance indicator fact sheets
Fact sheets provide some general information about the performance indicator topics.
Fact sheet: Minimum data set for drug and alcohol treatment services
Fact sheet: Organisation accreditation
Fact sheet: NSW Health approved accreditation standards
Fact sheet: Patient reported experience measures
Fact sheet: Clinical incident management
Fact sheet: Client discharge and transfer of care​

Reporting resources
Reporting resources provide ​practice tips and templates to support reporting against the core performance indicators.
Reporting resource: Tips for creating a recent data analysis and trend report
AOD-Core Performance indicator reporting template
AOD-Core 3 PREMS report template
AOD-Core 5 Client file review tool
AOD-Core 5 Client file audit procedure
AOD-Core 5 Case notes audit template
AOD-Core 5 Client exit summary form

NSW Health policy
NSW Health policy directive 2015 Data dictionary and collection requirements for the NSW MDS for drug and alcohol treatment services

Further support

Clinical incident management training: Under AOD-Core KPI 4 Clinical Incident Management, organisations are required to have a clinical incident management process in place to manage all clinical incidents, and to report serious clinical incidents. Watch the webinar video.

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