

benchmarkingA guide for the NSW non-government AOD sector
Benchmarking is one of a number of tools that an organisation can use to monitor and evaluate how well it is performing, and to drive continuous improvement in quality and outcomes.
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Benchmarking is primarily about comparison—comparing what a service is doing or how it is doing it with how it has performed in the past, with how other services are performing or with industry performance measures. Benchmarking is also a vital tool in the implementation of evidence based practice.

What’s in this resource?
This guide contains an overview of benchmarking, its benefits and some of the issues involved in making the best use of benchmarks. There is a discussion of different approaches to benchmarking and what is involved. It contains a practical step by step guide to introducing benchmarking into your organisation. It also includes a guide to selecting benchmarks and indicators that make best use of information already collected by your organisation.

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