This webinar contains discussion of events and topics that may be emotionally challenging or confronting.
NADA was approached to develop a resource for what happens during ‘difficult situations’, and what to do when it gets really pointy, or a client is ‘escalated’, or very ‘challenging’. This resource not only suggests strategies to use in those situations, but it also talks about trauma informed practices as part of a day-to-day approach that minimises the likelihood of those situations occurring in the first place. It embodies a trauma informed lens and NADA has a strong position on how we work with people accessing our services.
This event launches a new trauma informed practice guide to support non-government community and health workers in providing services that are safe places for consumers, their support networks, and staff. This panel spends time discussing why trauma informed care is important and the difference it can make to the experience of a person accessing an AOD treatment service.
NADA would like to extend its thanks to all those who contributed to the creation of this resource, and particularly those with lived and living experience who provided insights, advice and perspective.
This resource was put together with the support of the DCJ Social Sector Transformation Fund via ACWA.
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