
Tools for change: A new way of working with families and carers

tools for change ‘Tools for change’ improves the support offered to the families and carers of clients with co-existing mental health and drug and alcohol issues who access non-government alcohol and other drugs services.
Download this resource [ZIP]
This resource contains a range of interventions, practice tips, service models, resources and training organisations to assist services in working with families. A CD-Rom is also included which contains useful tools such as template policies for working with families, a family inclusive practice workplace audit, assessment tools, checklists and a list of family and carer support services.

Download individual files
Workplace audit [DOC]
Family policy template [DOC]
Simple guide to genograms [PDF]
Standard symbols for genograms [PDF]
Family support scale [PDF]
Family member impact assessment [PDF]
Consultancy form [PDF]
DoHA model principles and policies [PDF]
DoHA process flowchart [PDF]
AFACT workers guide [PDF]
Map of FCMHP NGOs and contact details [PDF]
Assessing need interpreter [PDF]
Interpreter guidelines [PDF]
Resources for families [DOC]
Tools for change [PDF]
NADA developed ‘Tools for change’ in consultation with its membership. It forms part of the NGO Mental Health and Drug & Alcohol Family and Carer Project funded by the Mental Health and Drug & Alcohol Office, NSW Health.

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