
Governance toolkit

This resource aims to improve the governance knowledge and practice of voluntary board members, CEOs and management staff of non-government AOD organisations. It was developed in response to members identifying their own governance practice as an area needing development, generally through their quality improvement programs.

Download the toolkit [PDF]

The resource contains three sections:

  1. Board responsibilities What has to be done—legal and other responsibilities
  2. Governance processes How it is done—committees, meetings, conflicts of interest, managing the CEO, etc
  3. Characteristics of an effective board How to do it better—tips on more effective practice.

Each section includes practical information, practice examples, links to more information and resources, examples of NADA member governance practice, and governance templates.

Contact Robert for more information.

Governance templates
Compliance register
Legal compliance checklist
Strategic plan
Directors code of conduct
Position description board chair [DOCX]
Position description board treasurer [DOCX]
Position description ordinary board member [DOCX]
Board conflict of interest policy [DOCX]
Board governance statement [DOCX]
Functions and delegations matrix [DOCX]
Board review questions [DOCX]
Board development plan [DOCX]
Board meeting agenda [DOCX]
Board calendar [DOCX] 

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