Are you new to working in the non-government alcohol and other drugs (AOD) sector?

Welcome to this extraordinary space! People are drawn to work in this sector for a range of reasons, including the ability to support people from a variety of backgrounds, to practice a broad range of skills, the ethical nature of the work, and much more. You’ll be inspired by the people you work with—they’re incredibly motivated, committed, and enthusiastic.

AOD people rock. AOD people must be protected¹ at all costs!

That’s where we come in. We’re the Network of Alcohol and other Drugs Agencies, or NADA, for short.

We’re the peak organisation for the non-government AOD sector in NSW, representing 80 organisational members that provide services in over 100 locations across NSW.

We’re here for you. If your employer is a NADA member, that means you are too. A big part of what we do is provide free training, resources, and a range of tools to support you to excel in your role.

The NADA induction kit

We have a kitbag of tools, resources and training that are yours for the taking.

Keep an eye out for an orientation resource

A guide containing essential information for NSW alcohol and other drug sector workers is coming soon. It includes chapters representing a vital area of AOD practice, including our people, treatment approaches, monitoring outcomes, and useful information like AOD-relevant acronyms and contact directories.

Access free training

Jump to the events page on our website to see what’s on. Take eLearning modules on the NADA learning portal to enhance your AOD core knowledge and skills. Watch a webinar series on emerging drugs used by people in the community. Apply for a training grant if you’re set on taking training by another provider.

Language matters

Language is powerful—especially when discussing AOD and the people who use them. Learn how to use language to empower clients and reinforce a person-centered approach.

Download practice resources

Access free resources to support your work with clients. We’ve also developed the AOD resource finder, so you can quickly find AOD resources from trusted service providers.

Stay in touch with NADA publications

Look after your wellbeing

While AOD work is incredibly rewarding, it is also demanding. That’s why it’s important that you invest as much time and care looking after your health as you do others. Watch videos and download posters that prompt you to enhance your wellbeing. Ensure you access clinical supervision, a vital part of professional development for all client facing staff.

Network with colleagues

Join a NADA network to feel supported in your role. There are networks for those who support women, young people, and gender and sexuality diverse people. There are networks for consumers, peer workers, nurses, practice leaders, and data and research professionals. You can also join the Community Mental Health Drug and Alcohol Research Network, a network that builds the research ability of the mental health and AOD sectors.

Reach out to NADA

Contact us anytime if you have a question, discuss an issue, or suggest ideas for professional development. Simply email us feedback and we’ll get back to you. We hope to see you soon!

1. Skinner, N. and Roche, A. (2021). ‘Very demanding. Extremely rewarding’: Exploring the co-occurrence of burnout and engagement in alcohol and other drug workers.’ Drug and Alcohol Review. DOI: 10.1111/dar.13250